
Welcome to my Site, the home of equine photography, equestrian and Designer. Based in Savannah, GA and Hamilton, Bermuda. I specialize in private equine shoots, horse show photos, and horse catch rider/schooler and lesson services. As well as designing and branding websites or creating logos. With my background in riding and training horses across America, South America, Bermuda, and Europe, I provide a unique perspective and deep understanding of horses and the equine industry. Along with attending SCAD, entry level design and branding.
About Me
My name is Kayla Bardgett I am 21 years old and I am currently attending, Savannah College of Art and Design in my third year. I am an Advertising and Branding major and am also apart of the SCAD Equestrian Team. I am an all rounded seasoned equestrian. I have competed in America, Bermuda, South America and have had the chance of also riding in Europe. On the side I love to dabble in photography and offer my services for private and show equine shoots.


Well-versed in horse training procedures. As well as working at Breakaway Stables in Bermuda. While working there I have duties of training and schooling some of the clients’ horses as well as the school ponies. As well as, mucking watering and feeding in the mornings and night. Calmly approach every animal and situation with level-headed and experience-based strategies. I have competed in all rings consisting of, dressage, equitation, hunters and jumpers, in the US and Bermuda. I have also competed in the jumpers in South America.
GROOM, Forget Me Not Farm LLC, Wellington Florida July 2021 - February 2022
I was one of the grooms helping the stables while they are showing at GLEF in Traverse City, Michigan. I helped bring horses to the rider for shows, as well as help get show horses to rings and set warm-up jumps. I also was given the opportunity to ride one of their sales horses at GLEF, 2021 - ESP Fall, 2021 - WEF, 2022.
STABLE HAND, Breakaway Stables, Ltd., Bermuda November 2017 - Current
I have opening and closing duties which consist of mucking watering turnout and feeding, 27 horses and ponies, some of them are privately owned however we still take care of them, and some are owned by the barn and the others are fostered on behalf of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. If the instructor cannot make it to lessons or is ill, she will ask if I can instruct some of the lessons. The age group consists of riders from 5-50.
Daily barn chores – including opening and closing barn, preparing feeds, feeding, turnout, mucking stalls
Horse Care – grooming, assisting with medical care, administering medications
Horse Training - schooling horses on and lunging at home and shows
Show Preparation - clipping, braiding, shampooing
Tack Care - cleaning saddles, bridles and other riding gear, fitting tack to horses
Camp Counsellor, Breakaway Stables, Ltd., Bermuda July 2018 – Current
When I am working at Breakaway Stables as a Camp Counsellor, along with two others, we work with around 20+ kids with ages ranging from 4-15. The camp is normally half days starting at 8:00am through 12:00pm. Once all the kids arrived, we set them into groups based on experience around horses and riding. After we will do two groups at a time with about 7 ponies and horses and then do a rotation for the more experienced riders. After everyone has rode, we have a break and snack time and following that a group activity. The group activity changes every day, one day we will name the parts of the horse, saddle and bridle. Another day we might hobby horse competitions. On the final day of camp, we always like to do something fun with the campers like, pony races, apple bobbing, and cone weaving.
Other Experience
Team IEC, South Carolina, USA June 2018 - June 2021
When I came to the states for a portion of the summer, I would work with Wendy Arndt at Team IEC as a working student. When I was a working student, I would wake up early and go help with stable chores consisting of, mucking, waters, feeding, and turnout. Once morning chores were finished, I would help Wendy with the horses that needed to be trained and schooled. Just this past summer I also helped Wendy with some of her young 4yo horses in the round pen and getting them used to pressure on their backs and mouth.
Stardust Stables Ltd., Bermuda October 2018 – April 2019
Trained a green 6yo pony on volunteer basis including, riding him 3-4 days a week, lessoning him two of those days.
Competed in the large green hunter pony as well as the 2’6 pony jumpers which he was highly successful in both divisions.
Showing other people’s horses at shows – I would also catch ride people’s horses and ponies in either the hunters or jumpers.
Competed in Bermuda with experience in all four rings consisting of dressage, equitation, hunters and jumpers.
2018/2019 Show Season
Champion Junior Hunter; WINNER
Champion Junior Equitation 15-18 Years; WINNER
Champion Working Hunter over 15.2hh; WINNER
Horse with the Most Points; WINNER
Junior with the Most Points Regardless of Mount; WINNER
Horse/Pony Rider with the Most Points; WINNER
2019/2020 Show Season
Category A, 1.20-1.30 2020 FEI Jumping World Challenge winner; In a field of 47 competitors, I placed 5th. Ranking 1st in the region for competing in Category A, 1.20-1.30. Qualified for FEI Finals in Indonesia (August 2021) – ultimately did not attend due to competing opportunities in the United States.
Champion Hunter Pony; WINNER
Champion Junior Equitation 15-18 Years; WINNER
Champion Working Hunter over 15.2hh, 3’9; WINNER
Champion Open Hunter 3’7; WINNER
Champion Horse Jumper Over 1.20m; WINNER
Junior With the Most Points Riding a Pony; RUNNER-UP
Junior With the Most Points on the Same horse; WINNER
Junior With the Most Points regardless of Mount; WINNER
In 2021 I received the National Junior Athlete Sponsorship with funding to compete in the states with Wendy Arndt.
Also I competed in the states, training with Wendy Arndt. In 2018 I competed on a borrowed horse showing in the high children's 1.10-1.15 in Tryon and placing reserve champion.
As well as in 2021 competing at Split Rock Jumping Tour CSI3* also competing on a borrowed horse, showing in the low juniors 1.30-1.35. Also going to the Wills Park Equestrian Center to clinic with Dianne Carney over a three-day period.
I am also on the SCAD equestrian team and in the ISHA I compete in the divisions, Open fences and Intermediate flat. I have also represent SCAD in the ANRC a prestigious three day event where riders must do a written test, a program ride, a derby phase and on the last day a medal round. In 2024 I placed 5th/9 in the National level (3').
In February and November of 2024 I represented my country, Bermuda competing in the Grande Caraibe in Martinique and then Suriname. This competition is on borrowed horses that we get to train on for one day before having two days of competition. In both competitions I competed in 'Elite' category (1.05-1.10). In Suriname I placed 8th out of a field of 22 and 15th the second day, achieving 11th place overall in the category.
Strong work ethic – accustomed to early start and long days
Friendly, positive attitude
Seasoned and competent adult equestrian and competitor